Sewing on a budget

Shedding our “skins”

Snake on our door this year.

I had an epiphany the other day. I was thinking that when I leave from my subbing jobs and go to teaching my fitness classes that it is imperative that I put on the right clothes. I can NOT teaching kick boxing in a pair of corduroy pants and boots. I need appropriate clothing for the task at hand. And then I took it even deeper. What about the shedding of the day’s feeling and vibe and just the weights of the day!

Think about it….we go through sooo much in a days time and in those 8-10 hours of work or whatever we are doing those things rub off onto us.  We hang onto all sorts of things. If someone cut us off in traffic if we for example got a flat tire first thing in the morning like I did when I was writing this blog post !!!!

Big nail in the tire.

If we got the wrong order at the restaurant.  Yeah, most of these things are simply our “First World problems”.  They aren’t anything that is going to kill us or make us truly sick or die…it’s just circumstantial and come on, we will recover from these.

SOOO back to what I was saying and the title of this weeks blog is “Shedding Skins”. I will give a quick back story. The other morning I did wake up to a flat tire, got to work just in time to start…no breakfast time because the extra time was used up by going to the gas station t fill the tire with air.  Then lunch time one of the students had something sad happen that required serious counseling, finally when I got back out from work the tire had indeed been ruined by a huge freaking nail in it! SOOOOO that meant me having to call AAA and have someone change the tire to the donut because quite honestly I just didn’t want to deal with that  after everything else.

Putting on the donut tire!

I arrived early to teach my kickboxing class and just knew that I didn’t want anything from my day subbing on me.  I carry all the hurt of others and upsets in me.  I of course had to change into the appropriate clothing. I changed almost everything of my outer wear including my socks! YEP! I went and even changed my socks…I shed my skin of the day and put on things that were fresh and happy because I LOVE teaching my classes at the university and I wanted to cover myself with  a fresh “goodness”. I felt so much better after changing my clothes !

My self drafted camouflage pants!


Then I thought reptiles, specifically snakes.  Now most of us know the basics….when a snake sheds its skin it is vulnerable for a time until the new skin is ready but more importantly when it can see again because the snake’s vision ends up being impaired. Now when I change clothes fortunately that does NOT happen. I see all right and my skin isn’t extra sensitive. Did you know the snakes can be more aggressive during that time after shedding their old skin too? Also not something that happens to me. I tend to feel great when I take off the clothing of the day and put on either my clothes for the gym or when I take a shower and truly wash off the days “chi ” or “aura” or “film”.

It’s amazing….I feel like a new woman when I change into my workout clothes. I feel refreshed and reborn! I actually am super happy when I do that and that day was no different!  While I was changing my clothes in the locker room I was getting rid of the stress of the day of everything negative that I was carrying. And before I even changed my clothes I encountered a woman that I saw at the gym working out and she asked if I was teaching Yoga yesterday. I said; “No”, is that because of my mat?”  And she noooo because of how I was dressed! To  quote the woman she said I looked very “Zen like”! I had to laugh out loud and say nooo I was teaching kickboxing last night…. and she laughed and said that is the least Zen like thing ever !!!  I said yes and life is about balanced!

She said ,”Absolutely”!  What got me thinking was how she “assumed” that I was teaching yoga simply because of how I looked. If I had been wearing my camouflage and teaching yoga it would be funny to do it in camouflage because who would expect that….the pants I was wearing were grey with soft pink or mauve flowers.

My zen like pants!

But for me I kick butt in every class no matter what I am wearing and people think that because I am small/petite that it will be an easy class. NOT TRUE! I love the shirt that one student was wearing that describes exactly how I feel.  

Perfect shirt!

Never judge a book by its cover and as sewers and sewists we make our covering.  Many of us had moms or maybe grandmothers who made things for us growing up.

I remember the joy of having something that my mom made me and it being exactly as I dreamed of! Once we got to the age of making the choice of color then we had even more of our own style and creativity added to our wardrobe. Nothing like adding fun styles to our wardrobe. It is amazing that it took forever for me remember that I loved bright colors and fun styles. And if I die today I wore my favorite color and had a favorite food!

Snickers from my sweet husband!

I have been getting known for my bright colors and fun styles and a few women told me that I have inspired them to wear more color and not wait! These women want to shed their old skin and put their new skin on!  They all make the same comment…why AM I waiting ?!?!? Why are any of us waiting…why aren’t we shedding the things that make us feel poorly and showing our new skin that is more suited to us?  I understand that if your a physician or mechanic that fringe and gold lame fabric might might not be the best choice for you. But when you are done with your day and on your “me” time why not pick something that brings a smile to your face and a pep into your step!!

Gorgeous sequined fabric!

We have this one life to live and it’s up to us to do the living… a character said in one of my favorites movies…”The Declaration of Independence promises us the pursuit of happiness but it is up to me to do the pursuing”.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

If we want it basically we gotta go for it!  We can’t wait for the “perfect time” I have talked about this in the past.  There is no such thing as the perfect time! There will always be some kind of obstacle and it is up to us to problem solve and figure out how to MAKE things happen. Make this life your best life EVER…everyday!

Making it a great day with Mike!

I love seeing so many of the women that I follow on Instagram using animal prints, sequins, bold colors and sooo many things that are OUTSIDE THE BOX!  If I could be covered in glitter daily I would! And as a designer I have the option to make things that match my mood. Do I wear plain colors …sometimes but its rare! I am really loving my new skin. And each time I make a new item all I can think about is how much it is ME! ME now, me when I was a child, me ALL over and its brings not only a smile to my face but also joy to my heart and at the end of the day that what matters. I lived! I pursued my happiness!

Pursing happiness in my new houndstooth skirt!

SO today I challenge you to go and find the things that make you smile ( remember what you loved) and find that joy in your heart not just for a moment but for a life time! It is NOT too late…wear your favorite color, knit those fun socks, don’t wait till you can’t and then lament that you didn’t do something you have dreamed of doing, do it, try it, experience it safely and wisely but with your own personal and fun style, and check that off bucket list! And if your list gets small add more new, inspiring, exhilarating, and stimulating!

And as always happy creating!!











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